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Server Rules

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:36 pm
by borenson

We are an open community of online gamers with different abilities, backgrounds and cultures. The following rules are a guideline to help us play together in a competitive environment.

No Cheating
No Discrimination
No Advertising
No spamming chat
No dis-respecting Admins
No Inappropriate sprays
No Camping
No Bullying
No Bunny Hopping

When Rules are Broken
When the above rules are broken, it will generally* result in a disciplinary process. This process is designed for the benefit of all.

1.A warning is given by text or voice.
2. Where the same rule is broken, further action is taken and a mute or restriction put in place.
3. Where a person chooses to continue or if this is a repeated offence, a player will be kicked.
4. Where a player becomes a problem for those around him, he may be banned for a time, for the better of those around him.
5. In the worst case of abuse, a plurality of admins will make the decision to permanently ban a player from Lazy rebels.
*If in the event it is deemed necessary for the safety of those playing, it may be necessary to skip these and go straight to a ban. Cheating will result in a permanent ban.

No Cheating
Players are not allowed to use any kind of cheat or any activity for which the purpose is intended to give an unfair advantage. These may include using: Wallhack, Aim-bot, Speed-hack, Bunny-Hopping, Ghosting and other such activities.
No Discrimination
Racist names or insulting someone's sex, country or religion will not be tolerated. All players are welcome in Lazy Rebels and it is your role to accept everyone even if you disagree with them.
No Advertising
Do not advertise other servers or harmful links to other players on the server
No spamming chat
Please do not overuse the communication facilities. Not everyone enjoys the sound of your voice as much as you do.
No dis-respecting Admins
Respect all Lazy Rebels admins even when you disagree with them. If you have an issue with an admin or feel that an admin is treating you unfairly please make a thread on our "Admin Abuse" section on our forum.
No Inappropriate sprays
The sprays are intended to be fun but please keep them appropriate. Do not spray any type of **** **** sprays on the server.
No Camping
Do not camp. If you are caught camping all the time you will be warned or punished! All players must try to accomplish the objective
No Bullying
We are an inclusive server and are grateful that so many different people have joined us. It is our role to ensure that people feel safe on the LR server. People should feel included regardless of who they are. There will be no direct threats made to any player for any reason. There will be no sexually aggressive language used toward anyone on LR servers. Please remember that CSS is rated for people aged 16 and above and the words you type or say may have a profound effect.